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Dental Implants vs Dentures – Which option to choose

Dental implants and dentures are two options for replacing teeth. These two dental procedures provide enhanced support to a person’s oral health while also providing replacement teeth that offer structural and functional support.

Facial sagging is relieved, speech difficulties are addressed, and people can continue their previous activities even after losing teeth thanks to these dental treatments. Teeth may be lost as a result of natural aging, accidents, sports injuries, illness or poor oral hygiene and other dental issues – implants or dentures can provide the necessary support.

The correct solution for you depends on a variety of criteria. It’s critical to know what these procedures entail, as well as how they work, in order to choose which option is best for you. The dentist’s advice following the consultation is most important and needs your careful consideration.

Surgical or Non-surgical procedure?

Dentures do not require any surgery and are usually suited for people who do not have enough bone strength or jaw strength to support dental implants. People who have suffered bone loss due to other diseases cannot usually opt for dental implants. However, there are procedures available that will help provide support to the jaw bone and then place the implant.

In the case of the dental implant, the jaw bone is drilled and then opened. A metal piece that works as the root is screwed into place in the jaw bone and then stitched up. The structure gets wrapped into the jaw bone and after healing is complete, an abutment is placed on this root on which replacement teeth are placed. The replacement teeth are made which is similar to the shape and colour of the neighbouring teeth and the procedure is complete.

Dentures are replacement teeth that can be removed and placed with no surgery. They are made after taking impressions of the teeth and also how the underbite and overbite are to make sure there is proper alignment.

The dentures are known as complete dentures if both sets of teeth in the upper and lower jaw are replaced. Partial dentures are when only one set of teeth (either lower or upper jaw) is replaced.

Care and maintenance

Dental implants are similar to natural teeth in the sense that they are permanent teeth and are fixed in the jaw bone. Follow the usual dental care procedure like brushing twice a day, and flossing to make sure there is no food debris caught in between.

Soft bristled brushes are recommended to ensure that replacement teeth are not damaged. Since they are permanent prosthetics, they cannot be removed. But if due to wear and tear you notice any problems, then the crown of the teeth can be replaced for better functionality of the teeth.

In the case of dentures, more care is needed to ensure they are durable.

Cleaning your dentures daily is important to ensure proper hygiene. Properly clean the top, bottom and between the teeth of your dentures with a brush designed for this purpose–you can buy a specialized brush or use a toothbrush if one is available. After you have brushed your denture, soak them in a cup filled with water and 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide overnight, which should dissolve any dirt that has accumulated on them while they were not in use. Every other day add about 1/4 tsp. baking soda to the soaking solution to remove any tartar build up from plaque growing on your dentures.

In addition to brushing and soaking, make sure you are brushing your mouth regularly as it is the only way to make sure all bacteria, including those from your dentures, are being removed.

Use denture cream designed for cleaning and protecting your denture as a part of your daily routine. This will help lubricate the base of the denture so that it doesn’t irritate your gums, prevent tartar build up and also helps to remove any stains from the surface of the prosthesis.

Your dentist may have specific instructions or recommendations about how best to care for your particular type of dentures so be sure to consult with him/her if you have questions about proper care.

Individual features of implants and dentures

Aside from the aforementioned primary characteristics, there are many variations that will lead to one option being superior to the other. This is due to the various characteristics of each individual. The age of a person is one such factor.

Dental implants are more permanent and this procedure may help provide additional dental support for individuals in their fifties or sixties. People who are elderly do not want to undergo the operation, and will choose dentures as a result because they are most suited. Another aspect to consider is how people feel about dentures vs dental implants. Many people prefer the feeling of implant-supported teeth, which are more permanent and “rooted” than dentures. Dental implants are easier to accept than dentures.

There are many things to consider when choosing the best dental implant option for you. A patient’s personal experiences, concerns, and preferences are all considered when determining which solution is ideal. Implants are superior if the patient cannot devote time to cleaning and preserving replacement teeth. Dentures need more attention after each meal because they require more maintenance. When determining which option is best suited, the density of bones in each individual is also taken into account.

Dental implants must be supported by the jaw bone since they are inserted into it. If the required bone density is insufficient, dental prosthetics will not be an option; instead, dentures would be used. Bone transplantation may be an option for individuals lacking in bone density but it is a costly procedure and not everyone wishes to go through with it.

Which option is best for you?

To determine if a procedure is suited for you, it’s important to learn about the steps involved, the after-care, and recovery period. Dental implants are more expensive than dentures, but they have their benefits as well as drawbacks.

Before deciding whether or not to have a procedure, it’s important to consider all of the variables, as well as the procedure’s impact in the long run – both need to be considered before making a decision. It will be advantageous to have a discussion about one’s worries with the dentist so that doubts and concerns may be addressed and a best-suited option can be chosen.

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