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How is Emergency Dentistry Different from Regular Dentistry?

Dentistry is the science of the teeth and gums. The dentist is an expert in diagnosis, treatment as well as prevention of teeth and gum disorders. Dentistry is an arm of general medicine which takes care of problems and cure of the teeth gums, jaw and mouth.

What is regular dentistry?

Visiting the dentist in your area regularly to be able to prevent future dental problems and to get your oral health checked at regular interval will keep your mouth healthy which will also impact your general health. Visiting the dentist at least twice a year is considered regular.

A dental visit on regular basis will take care of almost all your needs to keep your teeth and gums healthy and prevent cavities and gum disease. It will also help to avoid crowded and crooked teeth because of early intervention. A dentist’s role is not limited to check your teeth and gums but also to check for any abnormality in and around the mouth and diagnose if possible the connection between dental problems with the rest of the body, because dentists are the doctors.

What procedures are followed in dentist’s office during your regular visits?

The normal procedures followed during regular dental visits include the following.

Evaluation of health of teeth and gums

The most important task that gets done in dental clinic is checking and evaluation of the state the teeth and gums are in. The dentist will look up your teeth and gums and look for any decay or and growth of bacteria. If he finds any decay, he will take measures to clean it.


Cleaning of teeth is a routine job in regular dentistry. The dentist will clean your teeth even if you brush your teeth diligently. The professional cleaning of your teeth is important because when you brush and floss, there are places in your mouth where you cannot reach to clean it. The dentist will be able to give your mouth a thorough cleaning, which will prevent decay and cavities.

Fluoride Treatment

Usually in the USA, most places get fluorinated tap water. But if you are living in a place where there is no fluorine added in your tap water, then your dentist will provide fluorine treatment to your teeth. Fluorine helps protect the teeth from bacteria. When you register with a practice, they ask you about the tap water and fluorine in the water, and suggest ways with which you can supplement fluorine in your diet


Almost all dentists have x-ray machines in their offices because they use it routinely to check up all sorts of abnormalities that can develop in the teeth and gums. When you are visiting the dentist as part of your regular appointment, the dentist may want to get x-ray of your tooth if suspects anything wrong with any of the tooth. You don’t have to go the hospital to get an x ray done for your teeth if it is a routine check-up. You may have to get a whole mouth computer image done outside of dental office, when you are considering any major oral and dental surgery.

Minor procedures

When you visit the dentist on a normal routine visit, and if he detects cavities or gum disease, he is trained to deal with this in his office. In fact, the whole idea of general dentistry is based on early detection of any dental issue or abnormality, so that it can be treated before it gets too complex and require more elaborate procedures.

Dealing with complex procedures

The general dentist is also equipped to deal with more complex situations, like a deep cavity or a root canal treatment. He can also fill the cavities with fillings and can order and fix a crown on restored tooth.

Evaluation of current need and referral

A general dentist can assess the situation and suggest experts and specialists. When you go to a dentist with a problem that he cannot deal with, or is not an expert in, he will call or refer you to the experts who can deal with such problems. This is where emergency dentistry differs with emergency dentistry. The general dentist will be able to suggest a particular specialist or tell you what kind of problem you have and which branch of dentistry will be able to solve your problem.

Emergency dentistry

Emergency dentistry provides care when regular dental clinics are not open.

Available round the clock

Emergency dentistry allows you to make an immediate appointment and dealing with the situation at hand at the earliest. Most emergency dental clinics are available 24×7.

Specially trained for trauma

Emergency dentists are prepared for any kind of patients, including those who are traumatised, very upset, physically injured, and terribly worried. They can see the signs of emotional trauma along with physical. This training helps to deal with the shock the patients are in before providing necessary dental treatment.

Trained for immediate surgical procedures

Emergency dental surgeons can perform surgeries in a variety of situations that can arise in an emergency. For example, extricate a root from truly damaged tooth, suturing open cuts on gums and cheeks, and many other such situations.

Trained to gauge the situation quickly and suggest further expert consultation

The emergency dentist is trained to quickly assess the need for an expert. The emergency dentist in this situation can make quick contact with the oral surgeon needed and arrange the transportation for the patient, and will make sure everything is done as planned as per the need of the hour.

Trained to keep all facilities ready for quick assessment and treatment

Emergency dental care facilities resemble a hospital emergency rooms in some way. All emergency supplies are present to help the dental care team to work quickly in a dental emergency.

Emergency dentists work in coordination with your regular dentist, and once the emergency is over, they may forward all the details of emergency treatment to your dentist so that he can take over from there and help you in your recovery.

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