There are several dental conditions which require immediate dental attention. Many of them are accidental ones. Sudden tooth loss, tissue injuries, excessive bleeding of gums, sharp pain in teeth, broken dental appliances, etc. are some conditions that require immediate dental attention.
During emergency dental visits, the dentist may clean up any blood, seal any open injuries and may provide first aid if necessary. Sometimes, the dentist may even have to remove teeth due to excessive hurt and damage to the teeth. The teeth are also examined for any other signs of hurt and damage, like gum inflammation, infection, etc.
The dentist will also check for any damage to the dental instruments. For example, if crowns are damaged in any way, it might be best to remove them from the mouth. Pain relievers are also provided to the patient if necessary.
During such emergency visits, it may be possible that the dentist may only deal with the problem on only a surface level to take care of the immediate requirement and to relieve pain. The actual treatment may require an additional visit. The main aim during an emergency visit is to provide pain relief and stop excessive bleeding. Blood loss is a life-threatening condition which requires immediate medical and dental attention. Injuries or accidental cases that affect the mouth are the major reasons for blood loss due to dental emergencies.
In certain situations, the patient may not be able to reach the dentist in time. During such situations it is important to take some necessary actions. There could be many situations that could be considered as a dental emergency, let us try to understand what the patient can do in any of them.
1. Do not panic
No matter what type of dental emergency you experience, it is only natural to panic and take wrong measures. Doing so can worsen the situation and can develop serious complications. So, the first and foremost step is to calm down and think clearly. After you are in a relatively stable and good mental state, you can proceed with the next step.
If it is a family member or friend who is dealing with an emergency, advise them to relax and observe the mouth for symptoms of severe damage to teeth.
2. Stop the bleeding
Bleeding is very common in cases of accidents and injuries. The teeth may be knocked out from their socket in the jaw bone, causing bleeding. Another case could be that the teeth may have touched the roof of the mouth, scratched the surface and caused bleeding.
In such cases, the patient should clean excessive blood with a piece of cotton and clean the area outside mouth with warm water and cotton. Also, make sure that the patient is sitting as still as possible as moving around can cause more bleeding due to shifting of teeth.
If the patient is consuming any drug to stop bleeding, make sure that the drugs are not anti-coagulants. Anti-coagulants can increase bleeding at a fast rate. After following all these steps, rush to you nearest dentist as excessive blood loss is possible.
3. Handling the fallen tooth
Tooth loss is a common in which immediate dental assistance is required as the patient could be dealing with a lot of pain and discomfort. Within a few seconds of the teeth falling the patient should pick up the tooth and wash it with milk, if possible, place it back into its place and hold it. Then, wrap a piece of sterile gauze over the tooth and bite it down and reach the dentist immediately.
4. Seek medical help instead
Some dental emergencies are so severe that even medical attention could help. Facial fractures are a prime example of that. Injury to the jawbone, cheekbone, nasal injuries, etc. injuries are considered as facial fractures. Medical practitioners can help the patient control bleeding, provide pain relievers and stop the injury from further development. Also, medical assistance can also help avoid permanent damage to the teeth and mouth. Sometimes even dental professionals cannot do that and medical assistance is suggested.
5. Avoid eating foods
During or after moments of dental emergencies, it is recommended to avoid eating anything. The patient is supposed to consume liquid dietary substances that don’t contain any spices or extreme flavours. The patient should not, at any cost, consume hard foods as they can severely damage the tooth enamel and cause extreme pain. These foods can also get stuck in any injuries or cavities that may be there. Doing so can also accelerate the situation into something much more severe and untreatable. Consuming any foods or drinks with extreme temperatures are also supposed to be avoided.
6. Go to a hospital
This is the most obvious thing to do if a dentist isn’t available. Some dental situations are truly life-threatening and a dentist cannot help treat them. In such conditions also a hospital visit is recommended instead of a dental visit. Visiting the hospital also has added benefits of safety as, if anything goes wrong, there are generally multiple medical professionals available to assess the situation.
7. Applying pressure
There are many dental conditions which can be stopped from getting worse if gentle pressure is applied on the site of injury. Conditions like dislocated jaw, broken tooth, etc. When the jawbone is dislocated, due to any dental procedure or due to aggressive yawning, the jaw gets stuck with the mouth open. Applying gentle pressure to the lower jaw and slowly lifting it upwards may help in controlling the jaw dropping downwards. After this, a bandage may be used to hold the jaw in place, then the patient is recommended to reach the dentist as soon as possible. Anti-inflammatory drugs Anti-inflammatory drugs can be given to the patient to deal with inflammation of the gums and jawbone.
If dental assistance is not available for days, then it is recommended that the patient consume only soft foods and opt for a liquid diet if possible. The patient is also recommended to not open the mouth too widely during yawning or speaking.